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Your e-learning platform for Google Ads

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YouTube Ads | Step by Step

If you've always wanted to know how you can use YouTube ads to generate not only reach, but also real sales, then you've come to the right place. In the video course, I'll take you by the hand and show you how to successfully set up YouTube ads to take your business to the next level.

Conversion Tracking

Successfully create YouTube ads

Evaluation & Metrics

 2,5+ hours

Curious: Click the link below to know more




Our premium video courses offer exclusive knowledge for the most important areas in the Google Ads universe. Learn all about the Google Search Network, Google Shopping, Google Ads and more. The courses are perfect for agencies and freelancers.


Personal exchange

Individual knowledge can only be imparted through direct exchange. We implement screen streaming, presentations and exchange with cool software such as GoToMeeting or Zoom. Better than any boring 1:1 coaching.


Your topics

Not only do we have numerous courses on Google Ads. You can also wish for videos within this cosmos. If your topic also gains interest in our community, we will implement it for you. We want you to hear Google Ads news first!


Instructive discussions

You can discuss your topics with us, i.e. the tutors or other members. Below each video, you can ask questions in comments. There is also a large forum for our members.


Many hours of material

Our aim is to operate the most complete and comprehensive Google Ads learning platform in the German-speaking world. In addition to over 1000 videos on various online marketing topics, we also have over 60 hours of video material on Google Ads topics.


These are our most popular courses. Here you can be taken by the hand step by step as a beginner. When it comes to Google Ads, you will become a pro with our complete courses and we also cover fine-tuning with Google Analytics