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Clear Lip & Skin Health

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Ever felt a tingling, itching feeling on your lip… and the next thing you know a small painful spot erupts?

If you suffer from frequent cold sores, fever blisters or lip outbreaks…

You know this feeling all too well.

And the sudden onset of a cold sore can leave you scrambling for solutions… not to mention a rush of anxiety and stress to try and stop it from getting worse.

Even though cold sores and fever blisters can lie dormant for any period of time…

Certain triggers can activate an outbreak.


Interesting new science shows cold sores are NOT just caused by too much time in the sun or wind…

Or a weak immune system…

Or eating too much of the wrong foods.

In fact, researchers have recently discovered…

Cold Sore Outbreaks Start In THIS Surprising Place…

Can you guess what it is?

Your gut!

You see, 70% of your immune system resides in your gut. And for optimal immunity, your gut needs a healthy balance of good and bad bacteria.

Yet when there’s an imbalance of bacteria in your gut…and your good bacteria is crowded out by the bad bacteria….

Your immune system can be more susceptible to viral infections, and come under attack without warning…

Which explains why cold sores can show up out of the blue.

But the good news is…

The Secret Strain That Defends Against Outbreaks

There’s a new simple way to defend against cold sores… and it all starts with this ONE specific probiotic strain:

L. Rhamnosus

It’s one of the studied probiotic strains related to overall gut health and has been proven to reduce lip and skin outbreaks. In fact, one study showed the antiviral properties in Rhamnosus when tested against outbreaks related to the cold-sore inducing HSV-1 virus.

And the team at Clear Probiotics have included this rare strain in their breakthrough formula: Clear Lip & Skin Health

It’s a scientifically formulated blend of over 12 Billion CFUs of premium skin-loving probiotics to give you quick results and build your immune system for long-term defense against outbreaks.

Plus, it is clinically proven to:

Defend against cold sore outbreaks Reduce outbreak duration & severity And promote healthier complexion

And most importantly, get your life back from the embarrassment of cold sores, skin outbreaks, and bad complexion.

To supercharge this formula, they also included a powerful combination of L-lysine, Vitamin C and a science-backed prebiotic strain to support your body’s defenses while strengthening your immune response at the same time.

That way, you can power up your immune system to have fewer outbreaks and better overall health.

So if you or a loved one suffer from embarrassing cold sores, then I highly recommend you click the link below and stock up today:

For the next 48 hours (or until they run out of stock)

They’re giving away bottles up to 42% off your first order

?See all the benefits and grab your first order for an awesome price while you can at this link below:

>> Try Clear Lip & Skin Health and stock up today for up to 55% OFF 

P.S. Here’s how to kick inflammation to the curb RISK FREE:

Step 1: Grab Clear Lip & Skin Health today

Step 2: Try it as long as you like… Whether it’s 30 days or 300 days… And feel the difference it makes in your life.

With Clear’s industry-best Money Back Guarantee, if you don’t love the way you feel, you can get a refund anytime in the next year. It’s a no brainer in my opinion!