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How are you sleeping these days?

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Ever lie awake wondering why you can’t sleep, telling yourself to stop thinking about it?

Or lying still trying to sleep until your body aches?

Or been constantly woken up by the kids…

I know I certainly have.

Doze off here and there ….

Give up and try to get the day started.

But you’re far from being on top of your game, so good luck with that!

And do it all again the next night …

This is a classic case of Sleep Anxiety - trying to sleep to reduce your levels of stress; but too stressed to fall asleep.

It’s a vicious cycle.

Quality Sleep is essential for body, brain and emotional health.

So why are so many of struggling to fall asleep?

It’s about our lifestyles… and often, we just can’t change that AND still build the life we want.

Our nutrient levels … no matter how well we eat, our food sources are lacking. Our environment …noise levels in big cities, unnatural light altering our circadian rhythms.

It seems like we’re trapped with no way out, doomed to live on 4 hours of sleep - or less!

But there IS an answer.

The Dynamic Duo of Sleep Support

That vicious cycle of stress and insomnia - trying to sleep to reduce your levels of stress; but too stressed to fall asleep - is killing your ability to sleep - and you.

It’s a never-ending cycle, which our friends at Clear Probiotics have found a new, unique way to address.

It’s all part of their breakthrough formula: Clear Sleep

This formula helps to relax your mind and body, optimize your sleep hormones, balance your circadian rhythm and send you into a deep, restorative sleep - with a powerful combination of Magnesium and Holy Basil.

In fact, it’s the ONLY brain sleep aid that combines the mineral wealth of Magnesium with the adaptogenic benefits of Holy Basil, the Queen of Herbs.

Which is what makes it SO unique in the market.

Plus, it is clinically proven to:

Balance your body’s reactions to stress and change Naturally increase your levels of melatonin, a critical hormone for sleep quality Reduce cortisol levels and balance serotonin Induce a deep, rejuvenating sleep

And most importantly, get your life back from the debilitating effects of daily stress and ongoing insomnia.

With the incredible success of Clear Sleep, I wouldn’t be surprised if they run out of stock so I highly recommend you try this today:

For the next 48 hours (or until they run out of stock)

They’re giving away bottles up to 35% off your first order.

See all the benefits and grab your first order for an awesome price while you can at this link below:

P.S. The team at Clear Wellness are so sure you’ll love your results that they offer a no-nonsense ONE YEAR money back guarantee on every product.

That’s unheard of in this industry, which makes it even more of a no-brainer to try if you ask me. So try it today!