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ReFirmance is great for women who want to boost their skin's firmness, elasticity, and overall skin health, while also enjoying the benefits of deep hydration, nourishment, and soothing care.

It is for women who want to feel feminine and confident in their looks again, and who are tired of their skin looking dull and old.

Our product has been meticulously formulated to address the primary concerns of aging skin, such as sagging skin and droopy jowls. Specifically, this youth-restoring “lift serum” does two major things:

First, it helps support collagen production and integrity. This is vital, as when collagen breaks down, little fragments of it get stuck to an enzyme called HAS2. HAS2’s job is to tell the skin to absorb hyaluronic acid. But when collagen fragments bind to it, it “jams up” the signal, which means hyaluronic acid stays pooled up in the skin instead, leading to drooping and sagging.

And then second, this serum helps to support the process of Hyaluronic Acid Synthesis. Since skin can't flush HA on its own, ReFirmance helps it absorb and properly use the Hyaluronic Acid that has "pooled up" under your dermis overtime.