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KeraBiotics is great for those who want to finally get rid of the annoying nail fungus and finally get back control over their lives and regain their confidence.

The recent discovery of the Amazonian “Tupi” tribe has brought to light the secret to eradicating stubborn, embarrassing toenail fungus. Scientists were astonished to see that none of the tribe's people suffer from nail fungus even though they walk barefoot through dirt jungle rotting leaves and puddles full of bacteria.

They discovered that the tribe’s secret is hidden in a sacred ‘mud bath ritual’. Every day they dip their feet into a mud which contains the most potent probiotic strains on Earth, making their toes immune to nail fungus. The reason is that these probiotic strains help the good bacteria thrive while keeping the nail microbiome in balance. This leaves no chance for the fungal infections to do any damage.

Inspired by the probiotic Amazonian mud baths, KeraBiotics contains the same potent probiotics strains, as well as other powerful natural ingredients. This super-potent gel also creates a powerful protective shield that stops new fungus from ever latching on.