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Paid Traffic v Free Traffic

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Have you tried paying for traffic? I have and I've lost money every single time. The main reason I have failed to make this work is because I had to pay on average well over $2 to have one person visit my site? While it may work if you are a Pay Per Click expert and are promoting an extremely high converting offer let’s be honest, most people can't make a profit from Paid advertising.

And that’s before you go through the rigmarole of getting your ad approved! Have you ever tried to get an Ad campaign set up on Google? Most of the time your ads get rejected, or you have to pay crazy money to have an ad show, it’s as if Google doesn't want your money, and they certainly didn’t want mine, allow me to explain …

… I was promoting one of my products via Google Adwords and one day I logged into my account and this is the message I was greeted with.