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Your New Online Income

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We believe in keeping things simple.

Life as a whole can be complex and complicated enough, so we’re not about to add to it!

We also believe that the best way to make money online is through Affiliate Marketing.

You may have heard of Affiliate Marketing before. It’s been around since the late 1980s and began to take shape as an online marketing strategy in the early 1990s – so it’s well established. If you’re not familar with Affiliate Marketing, then allow us to explain:

Affiliate Marketing is a straightforward way for people, like you and us, to earn money by promoting products or services online. When you promote these products and someone buys them through your unique affiliate link, you earn a commission for the referral. It’s like getting a reward for bringing customers and companies together. It’s a win-win situation because:

You're helping people find useful products online

You're helping companies sell their stuff online

You don't need to create your own products or services

You don't need to worry about running your own website

There is no work for you to do and nothing for you to fulfil

There are no customer service issues to deal with

As you can see, the concept of Affiliate Marketing is simple but equally powerful, scalable and profitable.

It’s totally realistic and achievable to start your own Affiliate Marketing business that generates the income you need to live the life you desire, from just 30 minutes of work per day. Existing members of Infinity Affiliate are living proof of that. 

Worldwide there are hundreds of affiliate programs and networks, meaning there are thousands of products and services to promote in virtually every niche imaginable!